Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Seismic Strengthening Workshop

The Portland Office of Emergency Management along with the Portland Bureau of Development Services and SE Portland Tool Library are sponsoring a presentation on Tuesday, August 16th to educate residents how to strengthen their homes for an earthquake. This free event is taking place at St. David of Wales Episcopal Church (SE 28th and Harrison) from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.

The recent 9.0 magnitude earthquake in Japan is a reminder the Pacific Northwest is also in a seismically active region. The last catastrophic quake was geologically similar to the one in Japan and struck off the West Coast in 1700. Scientists expect it is only a matter of time before the next one occurs locally.

Jim Nicks of the Portland Bureau of Development Service will provide information about the City’s Residential Seismic Strengthening Program, including an overview of the program’s standards and steps residents can take to better prepare their homes and to reduce the likelihood of damage.

Members of the SE Portland Tool Library will be available to explain how residents within the boundaries of the SE Uplift Neighborhood Coalition can join the library and gain free access to tools.

Volunteers from Portland’s Neighborhood Emergency Teams (NETs) will also be on hand to share information about the NET program as an opportunity for Portlanders to get directly involved with community preparedness.

WHEN: Tuesday, August 16, 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.

WHERE: St. David of Wales Church (2800 SE Harrison Street, Portland, OR 97214)

COST: Free