Wednesday, July 27, 2011

New software does new tricks

We have spent many months developing new software to track Members, Tools, and Loans. Among the many benefits, there are two I'd like to mention now:

  1. New members can fill out their information online! This will greatly speed data entry and shorten the line. Hooray! So when you tell your friends to join up, be sure also to tell them to visit the Join page and find that link! Thanks.
  2. Now our online Tool list is entirely accurate and up to-the-minute. Need to know if that special tool is out on loan or sitting on our shelves? Just visit the list - you can even Search the database! If the tool is out on loan, it will tell you exactly when it is (or was) due back.

We know these two new features will make everyone's lives easier.

Thanks for your support, and remember, volunteers make the Library. Do consider volunteering - you'll meet great people and help our community!