Thursday, March 18, 2010

Spiffy Space

What was a somewhat unused space in the corner of St David's Episcopal Church on 28th and SE Harrison, also known as the "black hole," is now becoming quite a dashing tool library space. It's bright and cheery and even seems to have grown a few feet with the additional light of four double-fixture fluorescent lights.

And now, there's even more room to get into this lovely space via a double door, which will be nice when you have tools in tow.

Very soon, our space will not only be spiffy, but will be official as well with the addition of a red and white sign affixed to the exterior of the building announcing our presence. We're also working on a path to our door over the next couple of weeks, which will minimize mud on your boots.

To get a preview of the new space, come to our Tool Donation & Spring Cleaning this Saturday the 20th from 10-3. We'll be offering coffee, pastries, and early enrollment. Bring along any working hand or electric tools to free up space in your garage. They will get put to good use at the library. Looking forward to seeing you soon.