Wednesday, March 17, 2010

SEPTL Open May 1st, Grand Opening Event May 15th!

It's official. We will be open for tool-borrowing on May 1st! Come one, come all, fellow Southeast neighbors. Borrow some tools, donate some tools, maybe sign up to volunteer or share some of your ideas with us, like what kind of tools you'd like to see in the library or any workshops we can host that might come in handy. We're located at the St David's Episcopal Church at SE 28th and Harrison.

How does it work? Simple. You just have to be over 18 and a resident of SE Portland within SE Uplift's boundaries. Click here to read more.

If opening the doors itself isn't exciting enough, check out the Grand Opening celebration on May 15th. There will be food, refreshments, prizes and of course, tools. We'll be holding the raffle drawing that day, so make sure you're there if you've purchased a raffle ticket. (If you haven't, get on it! They're only $1 each, or buy in bulk with a special price of 7 for $5. Contact us if you'd like to get in on this deal.)

So far, we have graciously received the following donated prizes: (A really big thank-you to all of these wonderful retailers and organizations for providing these prizes. All funds raised from the sale of the raffle tickets will be used to buy new tools for the library.)

Hope to see you soon. We'll be open before you know it!